Jim Robbins Quotes (8 Quotes)

    TCA represents an ideal platform for further middle market consolidation, and will become the cornerstone of our plans to offer advanced services in middle-market communities,

    At some time in everyone's life, we all start needing a little help.

    This will create a major, heavily concentrated regional cluster that is similar in size, importance and potential to our significant presence in the Southwest,

    Gannett's cable properties are a natural fit with our growth strategy of adding large technologically advanced properties in stand-alone markets and in markets contiguous to our existing operations

    The goal of this panel on public investment and RD is to explain our innovation model and how it has benefited research scientists who want to commercialize their technologies. Attendees will understand that San Jose, the capitol of Silicon Valley, has the networks of investors, advisors and entrepreneurs that can provide access to equity and technology transfer.

    What is going on today is a baby step to what might be coming, and that's going to be the fun of this venture, (to) see what kind of products we can develop.

    Advertising sales have been slow all year due to the uncertain economy, but the business disruption caused by the events of the Sept. 11 national tragedies contributed further to this issue,

    The more products and services you add to the bundle, the lower the turn of your customer base is, ... We've got to make a little investment to make sure we get the bill right, but the fact of the matter is the customer is going to stay with us longer and stay with us for more products.

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