Jim Tracy Quotes on Abilities (10 Quotes)

    He really understands that he needs command and the ability to throw strikes when he pitches in the latter innings of games. I'm very pleased with the progress he has made in that area this spring.

    He was the type who got everything he could out of his ability. And the reason he did that was his intelligence level and a set of personal expectations that were higher than guys he was competing against.

    The best way to approach a player with his type of ability and talent is to feel like you've developed a type of environment to allow his development to continue on its natural course. With what we have done this winter, we have put this young man in a position to where his natural progression as a Major League Baseball player has a genuine opportunity to take place without heaping any unexpected expectations on him.

    It's important for him to remember to throw early strikes consistently. Fastball command is very important for Mike. If you have a guy who has the type of stuff he does, the ability to throw a consistent fastball is paramount.

    The important thing is that the starting pitcher goes out there and keeps us in the game, and doesn't force us to climb out of a big hole like we tried to do last night. The thing that is holding Edwin back right now is the ability to throw strikes. Four outs and into the bullpen isn't gonna get it done.

    To me, he's one of the game's best pitching coaches in the National or American leagues. He has not only the ability to teach the physical aspects of the game, but also the ability to communicate with his pitchers.

    As small an aspect of the game as bunting might appear to be to a lot of people, it's really important to me. The complexion of a game can change because you have the ability to advance a runner 90 feet. It's huge.

    This guy has got a lot of mileage out of the ability he possesses. He becomes a better player when you're able to work within the framework of his ability.

    I think that is a prerequisite in considering a guy (to pitch) late in the game. Also, the ability to be able to bounce back after you've had a tough day, and realize you can't have too many bad days in a row because that's not good for a baseball team.

    You'd be blind if you didn't look at this guy and say there's a lot of ability. And you know what He's an even better person.

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