Jim Tracy Quotes on Error & Mistake (10 Quotes)

    I don't know whose fault that was. But you can't make a mistake like that against this club.

    Statistically, in his case, that's what's very important, get to first base. I don't care how you get there -- walk, get on by an error, get hit by a pitch, hit a ground ball in the hole at shortstop. With the speed that he possesses, just don't have me sitting there, for a lengthy period of time and watch him hit fly balls in front of the warning track in right center, or a weak fly ball to shallow left center field. He's not doing himself or this club any good. And he understands it.

    You can't make a mistake against that club like we did in the fifth inning. I don't know who was calling (for the ball), but obviously you need to catch that ball.

    I think the mistake people made was, many thought he was a finished product. We wanted to back off for a while. We wanted to watch. We didn't want to attack him.

    As a manager, I came here to make this club better, markedly better. The guys in the clubhouse, they have to realize that as a player, you have to produce. I'm not saying you're perfect and a mistake can't be made. But when you do make it, the realization that you have made a mistake and what you have to do to correct it ... there has to be a real understanding of that.

    We're not going to let any of them wander off track. We're going to show them support and give them the information they need to improve. We're going to point them to the film room where they can study and learn from their mistakes.

    You make bad pitches to Major League hitters, they put the fat part of the bat on the ball. When you are involved in games like that, regardless of what stages it's at, you don't have the luxury of making a mistake and not feeling like it's going to cost you. It is.

    He gave up four solo homers and he didn't let it bother him. We had a very good second inning with timely hitting. And we took advantage of a mistake.

    That's his game to determine at that point. You take him out of the game like that there, you bring in the bullpen and a mistake is made, a ball gets hit in the gap, and he's the pitcher of record in the losing decision, and he got to watch it on the other side of the dugout. I don't handle pitching that way.

    It's safe to say we made miscues that led to every single run. We have young players out there. To expect them to perform like seasoned veterans is asking a little much. When you're involved in a ballgame like tonight's, you can ill afford to make the mistakes we made tonight.

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