Jim Tracy Quotes on Games (9 Quotes)

    He really understands that he needs command and the ability to throw strikes when he pitches in the latter innings of games. I'm very pleased with the progress he has made in that area this spring.

    One-and-7 obviously isn't the way you want to start. But the (Dodgers) team I managed last year started 12-2 and we won 71 games. So it's not a large enough sample size of games. It doesn't mean this is the kind of team we're going to be for the next six months.

    They don't have to be ashamed about performing the way they did last night and staying after it the way they did. Two days in a row, we've been in a position in the latter part of the game with a chance to win. Over the course of the next 160 games, you're very hopeful of the fact that you continue to do that a number of times. If you continue to do that ... you are going to win your fair share of games.

    Stranger things have happened in this game. But obviously we have to win a number of our remaining games and obviously we need some help. San Diego has to lose some games in a row and we have to capitalize on that.

    I give the club a lot of credit. It hasn't been the easiest thing in the world for this club in our first five games.

    Having the lead changed the way we go about our business. We weren't playing catch up. You can't hope to slug your way back into games.

    The number of one-run games since 2001, and the won-lost record in those games is pretty impressive. Mr. Eric Gagne obviously has a little something to do with that, too. Because I feel like that is, personally, somewhat of a testament to a manager, because that's where your resolve gets tested. Four-run game, five-run game, what kind of resolve gets tested there

    We still have some games to play in 2005. The landscape could obviously change one day to the next over the course of the winter. I really don't feel like sitting here and expounding on what I think it's going to look like.

    You make bad pitches to Major League hitters, they put the fat part of the bat on the ball. When you are involved in games like that, regardless of what stages it's at, you don't have the luxury of making a mistake and not feeling like it's going to cost you. It is.

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