Jim Tracy Quotes on Mind (6 Quotes)

    He has a tremendous baseball mind. When I have someone like that sitting next to me, I feel confident there is not too much that's going to get by us during the course of a game.

    He's a guy we'd like to get our hands back on so we can start getting him busy with some of the things we have in mind -- namely, stretching him out.

    I've never signed up for anything with the thought in mind that I wanted to be mediocre. I feel pretty good about it.

    Wilson has got a lot on his mind, and he's trying to sort through a lot of difficult things. He's got to mentally take some time and sort some things out.

    No question in my mind. You are talking about people who have great baseball minds and are tireless workers.

    He had a tough time today, but that happens. You have to keep in mind that he's only 22 years old. He isn't going to be great every time out. I thought his mechanics were off a little bit.

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