Jim Tracy Quotes on Spring (12 Quotes)

    He really understands that he needs command and the ability to throw strikes when he pitches in the latter innings of games. I'm very pleased with the progress he has made in that area this spring.

    We talked an awful lot in Spring Training about unselfishness and the fact that we're interested, as members of this ball club, to do whatever it is that's necessary to win a Major League baseball game. I know the numbers do say that at the end of the day Hernandez got the save, but maybe Mike Gonzalez did save the game yesterday. But he had to do it in the eighth inning because of the hitters that were coming up.

    We took great at-bats tonight. We hit four home runs. And the beautiful part of it was the run that we scored to go ahead was something that we worked at very hard in Spring Training.

    Zach's doing what he needs to do to get his work done. It takes time -- that's all part of spring training.

    Coming out of Spring Training, I thought we'd score some runs. We've scored 20 runs in the last three days and haven't won a game.

    I would certainly hope not (intentionally) in spring training. I don't think Curt Schilling goes out there to hurt people.

    You have to give Victor Santos a lot of credit. Since we've seen him at the start of spring training, it's by far the best he's pitched in this uniform. He did a terrific job, and he did it by working with his fastball.

    You have to be prepared for something like this to take place with one of your players. As I said many times during Spring Training, always be asking yourself the what-if question. Craig Wilson looms very large right now.

    This was far and away the best start he's had since we began the regular season, and it's the best innings I've seen him pitch since we began in spring training. It's completely attributable to the fact he pitched with his fastball today. When he does that and commands it the way he did, it makes him effective.

    He had 13 ground-ball outs. That's a lot of ground-ball outs for a nine-inning game, let alone a five-inning stint in spring training. That gives you a pretty good idea of how well he pitched.

    It looked like the Zach Duke we saw a lot of around the National League last year. That's a very good sign, especially when you start to get short on time in preparing for the regular season. Zach is starting to spearhead his way toward doing the things you want to see a pitcher do at this time of the spring.

    I don't care what the numbers suggest. I thought the life to his fastball was as good as we've seen all spring. I think there could have been a couple different choices he made in a few two-strike counts, but I'll tell you He was throwing nothing but quality pitches in the strike zone. ... He was actually too fine.

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