Jim Wilson Quotes (21 Quotes)

    We are excited to have John attend the event, ... It gives local people an opportunity to meet him in an informal setting and getting to know John is getting to appreciate what an outstanding premier he can be for our province.

    We got here a little too late, and they were all sold out. So we went home without it. This time, I'm getting one.

    It is a great opportunity for people to be recognized for a year's worth of work. We really have so many students in the organization that could be recognized. It's a shame we can't get them all up there.

    I put a heart next to my signature on every piece to remember him,

    I do know of people that I know personally that have spent 20,000, 30,000 in one night in the clubs in Manhattan,

    Not long after the evacuation was completed, the plane crashed into the water about 50 metres offshore on an outgoing tide at about 9.40pm,

    There's a combination of zonings that we have to make one zoning.

    Our ridership has been going up pretty consistently for the last couple of years. It's hard to say how much of it in the last couple of months is the gas prices and how much of it is the economy.

    With the high cost of fuel for our race teams and fans, we felt it was best to make the call early as opposed to waiting until later in the day. We feel bad because we were expecting a great field of cars and a large crowd, but we wanted save as much expense for people as we could.

    The problem is you get hit pretty good every time they (local government) decides to expand facilities. I'd rather see some other method used than just property taxes.

    Invariably there are mistakes made in starting any business, ... The benefit of the franchise is that there's a franchisor who's there that doesn't want to see you make mistakes and see you lose money and will be there to help you.

    The impact is pretty strong when you consider a couple of pellets can kill a small bird.

    Fishermen have been telling scientists what they think for years. Ted took those insights and pushed the science forward.

    They are back here again, hundreds of them. Swallows barn swallows, tree swallows, banks swallows, rough wing swallows all birds that normally would have gone a long time ago.

    I hate to see this. This animal could be 60 or 70 years old.

    The pilot was able to make his way - unassisted - to the beach where medical treatment was administered. He was taken to Auckland Hospital by ambulance.

    Twice we were at the goal line and couldn't get it in. (New Brighton) did a good job of defending.

    We call that a jail break. The whole pack of turtles head for the water at once.

    We worked very hard this year to make sure we steered clear of stand-alone shows. As we worked with promoters, for the most part we were able to find venues that tied in very well together with other ones. With the price of fuel, we knew we had to be smart about our scheduling and I think we've put together a schedule that will be very workable for our race teams, our fans and series officials.

    The ones that are flagging up the 'no' vote are the ones that haven't suffered in this war, ... And the realism about it is that the people that have suffered in this war are most of the people that are saying 'yes.'

    One of our goals has always been to provide fans with an exciting race program that is run fairly and efficiently.

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