Jodi Whitaker Quotes (13 Quotes)

    Many in the wildlife community have encouraged Gov. Fletcher to support this significant tourism project for Eastern Kentucky. It is important to note that the governor has done so only with coal severance money -- money dedicated to the economic benefit of coal counties.

    The bill is currently being reviewed. We've heard from a number of constituencies who are opposed to the bill, and the co-ops, which are for it.

    We do not feel changes need to be made in the PSC. Furthermore, we believe the position of attorney general should be elected in a non-partisan manner, just like Kentucky's judges, so that partisan politics do not overwhelm decision-making in thinly veiled attempts to advance careers.

    Obviously when a national labor leader like Richard Trumka is sent to Kentucky, that indicates an act of desperation that they recognize the popularity of giving employees a choice.

    They say they'll have a better idea of what they're dealing with after he's been on antibiotics longer.

    The governor has made his intentions on right to work and prevailing wage very clear as evidenced by their inclusion of each of those measures in the budget he submitted to the House.

    The budget will be driven by cost savings in the administration. We are putting the heat on ourselves to cut the cost of administration of state government.

    Because this is related to the grand jury proceedings, it's best that we don't comment on it at this time.

    We've only recently received a copy of the document that was released and have not read it in its entirety.

    There's nothing new to his attempt to create media spin out of his fantasy scenarios.

    We certainly appreciate everyone's right to an opinion. Colonel Sanders was one of Kentucky's most distinguished citizens, a great entrepreneur and a fine charitable man of faith, and he certainly has a place in Kentucky history. We believe he warrants appropriate recognition as such.

    But we believe the debate should go on. This is obviously an important issue.

    Our door is always open to Speaker Richards. We look forward to working with him in the upcoming session.

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