Joe Adams Quotes (7 Quotes)

    If an organization denies anyone access to public records, then that company must list in writing the state law that exempts that record.

    He was a man of the people, so this is a wonderful tribute he loved America and it's fitting that the country recognizes him as a national treasure.

    This is where Ray would have wanted to be. It served us well and now we want it to serve the wonderful students at Morehouse College.

    I see individuals scurrying to get into more fuel-efficient cars. Then they find out they owe more on their 2004 vehicle than what they could get as a trade-in.

    My brother picked on me when I was younger, ... I guess it started when I was about 7 or 8 years old.

    It recognized that a number of people had made housing choices on the assumption that they had raised their children and had made a conscious decision to chose a lifestyle without (other people's) children.

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