Joe Alexander Quotes (8 Quotes)

    In places like Ford County, Piatt, Douglas and DeWitt counties, (agriculture) is a large economic driver.

    June and July we were looking at terrible crops, and then I think we benefited from hurricane rains and had a better crop than we thought, which dropped the prices.

    You're pretty close to the station. So, you are taking a lot of valuable land for parking.

    The more people who know about it, the more help we can get. We can't do this on a small piece of land. We need a lot of space and it's going to need a lot of time.

    That rigging slipped down underneath that horse as I came off and I was dragged once and a half times around the arena. I was looking up at the belly of that horse the whole way.

    (The delay) has come from chambers, but that is the only guidance I have. The conclusions of law will not be issued today.

    With his excellent skills and background with customers, as well as handling and managing multiple projects and orders concurrently, we are excited to have Paul join our operation. As a small company, it has always been our priority to put the customer first. When building our equipment or solving issues in the field, this has worked well. Now that we have increased our order book dramaticallywe've grown roughly 50 in the past yearit is vital that we handle both our own soda blasting projects as well as the needs of Buster Blaster contractors with efficiency and effectiveness. Paul's skills and personality fit perfectly with these needs.

    Our time frame with this is on Nov. 15, we need to submit a plan on how to consolidate 26 county offices to Washington. We're going to be gathering input from farmers and others on the best way to do this.

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