Joe Brancatelli Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Oh, and remember the near meltdown at United, struggling with labor problems and bad weather in the summer of 2000 Some weeks, ... they were running 25 percent on time. There were planes and crews and passengers scattered all around the world there were business travelers sleeping at O'Hare.

    Your life gets geometrically worse the more you travel for business. The truth is that you often end up eating a bad hamburger after a long day of travel--that's if you're lucky enough to find room service open after 11 p.m. A child would only be an unwanted distraction.

    That not only will make it less convenient for you to fly, it will mean less opportunity for you to cash in your frequent-flier miles. In the weeks and months to come, it can only get worse, not better.

    Given the current situation, where airlines, some of them in bankruptcy, are dropping and changing routes, you simply need to assume they forgot to call you if an itinerary changed or got canceled. Don't assume they'll take care of you if they do change the schedule, and don't assume that what you booked, especially on an award ticket, is what you will actually fly. It's a difficult time for airlines, and that makes it a difficult time for travelers.

    Who gets to decide what an 'extraordinary circumstance' is The airline. If airline says no, then what rights do you have You have to take them to court.

    No one should ever be doing anything goofy to get a mile, ... Flyers shouldn't be charging on an airline credit card that's charging them 14 or 15 percent interest, or 20 percent interest, because you can never win that game.

    The airlines say they had to change the weight limits because the heavier bags were a danger to their employees. But I guess if you give them 25, they're willing to put their workers at risk.

    The airlines go out of their way for the first two or three days after a bankruptcy filing to convince you it's going to be business as usual.

    It doesn't matter how many days you call in advance, you are never getting a free seat to Orlando on President's Day weekend at the restricted level,

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