Joel Quenneville Quotes on Chance (7 Quotes)

    Overall it wasn't a very good effort and performance by us. I thought David gave us a chance. . . . He played fine, did a nice job.

    You saw a couple of chances early that didn't go in, but I don't think Joe's confidence left him over the last 10 games when he's had a lot of chances. It was just a matter of time until he found the back of the net.

    He's been stable and gives us a chance to win on a daily basis. That's something we've been lacking here for the last two or three years.

    It was a big loss and (leaves) a big void. I was excited about getting the chance to coach these guys again, but this is where we're at, and we feel good about the guys we brought in.

    He's been very confident. He really matured last year in Hershey. Game to game, he was outstanding and very consistent, patient. He's got great work habits. His developmental growth gives him a chance to make our team.

    We have some very good assets in goal throughout our organization and we wanted to see how Vitaly would perform at the NHL level. Overall, he has shown great upside and we were impressed with both his performance and his progress. We had a very special stretch of games in December and we believed it was the right time to give Vitaly a chance with our team.

    Milan is feeling much better today. We'll see how he is tomorrow. There is a chance he could play.

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