Joel Quenneville Quotes on Power (4 Quotes)

    I think with Al there was always this thought that he was just a slapshot. (But) he controlled the defensive zone, he was able to control the pace of the game, and he had the ability to make great passes. There were a number of things Al did besides generating a threat on the power play. And he did it at an age when you see players at that position get slower. It seemed like he was almost getting better as he got older.

    Brisebois is going to be useful in a number of areas, and the power play is one of them. He has been in the league a long time, and we know that offensively he can be involved.

    It was an opportune goal for them, knowing we had a great opportunity to go up with 4 minutes (on the power play). A short- handed goal is usually a big swing in the game, and (Sunday night) was a great example of that.

    That's not the recipe for success. We were lucky both games. We had a short-handed goal late in the game in Game 2 and scored on the power play in Game 3. Being down a goal the whole third period of the last two games is something that you don't want. You would rather have the lead and dictate the play.

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