Joel Quenneville Quotes on Time (10 Quotes)

    Joe, every time on the ice, looks as good as he's always been. His leadership skills, he always wants to be first, he always wants to play well. He's the top guy in the gym all the time. Maybe he's a little bit more comfortable in his surroundings.

    You saw a couple of chances early that didn't go in, but I don't think Joe's confidence left him over the last 10 games when he's had a lot of chances. It was just a matter of time until he found the back of the net.

    They could be coming back in to Denver any time now. They are welcome to come back before (Monday), but a lot of those guys could use a couple days off.

    It's one game where you probably give more equitable ice time. Everybody got to play a little bit more and probably got a little bit more quality ice time.

    I think we have to move forward. We've had some time here. We have a new group.

    Brisebois is going to be useful in a number of areas, and the power play is one of them. He has been in the league a long time, and we know that offensively he can be involved.

    This is the third camp we've prepared for since last September, ... We got ready at the start of the (2004-05) year, and thought we might be coming back last February, so we prepared for a shortened season. I think we're all excited to know we'll all definitely be on the ice this time.

    However you want to mix the top three (forwards) among the top six forwards, but they'll still see a lot of time together as a group.

    We feel we missed out on a golden opportunity with a couple of our major adversaries in Detroit and Colorado getting bounced at the same time. We had some tough situations to deal with at the time with injuries, but it was something that we have to live with and learn from.

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