John Bolton Quotes on Security (12 Quotes)

    We felt that if the Security Council acted without waiting for the AU, it would send the AU a signal. But no other country, including the United Kingdom and France, was with us on that. We think that's too bad.

    I think an inability on the part of the Security Council to deal effectively with the Iranian nuclear weapons program would be a signal that as we are committed to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, that we have to look at other alternatives.

    We hope that the other four permanent members of the Security Council are aware of the long-term implications of these decisions, as we are,

    We strongly support the commission's investigative efforts. We expect the government of Syria to comply with these requests fully and unconditionally as the Security Council resolutions require.

    Too large an expansion would risk making it (the council) unable to quickly address challenges to international peace and security.

    Addressing these issues now will facilitate continued international support for Iraq's security, and it will give the newly elected Iraqi government time to assume office, address constitutional questions and consolidate its authority before confronting issues such as those addressed in this resolution.

    We don't have it yet. it's likely to be tomorrow when it's distributed to the Security Council,

    If the Security Council can't deal with something like the Iranian nuclear weapons program, then it's hard to imagine what circumstances the (UN) Charter contemplated the Council would be involved in.

    a clear, strong declaration on terrorism will bolster our common efforts to preserve peace and security.

    In the absence of serious Syrian cooperation on substantive matters, the mission can't get to the ultimate truth. That is what is seems to me the focus the U.N. Security Council should be.

    We seek a stronger, more effective organization, true to the ideals of its founders and agile enough to act in the 21st century. It will be a distinct privilege to be an advocate for Americans' values and interests at the U. N. -- and in the words of the U. N. Charter, to help maintain international peace and security.

    Simply bringing this matter to the agenda of the Security Council changes the political dynamics for them (Iran) and hopefully will increase the international pressure.

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