John Burton Quotes (8 Quotes)

    We'd have to look at the numbers. Would the hotels be willing to work with us Would the downtown community be willing to make sure our guests - from Canada, Toronto and the United Kingdom - are well treated Those are big and important things.

    So they immediately started following him around and then when they arrested him they said, 'You've got some red paint on your pants and we think it matches (the paint used in the attacks). So they took his pants and flew them back to FBI headquarters for analysis, where it turned out to be catsup.

    One guy just hangs on the horn as he blows through the city. This is not only a quality of life but a health issue.

    It is more than capable of going public. This one has the right ingredients.

    I think about that case. I still have a picture of her in my work file it kind of haunts you knowing it's still there.

    There was a general feeling in the club at that time that they really didn't want us.

    He flew in with his son and got out limping. I asked if he was OK, and he said 'Yeah, I hurt my foot. No big deal.' He gave a beautiful address standing for more than an hour, and then stood and shook hands with everyone who wanted to speak with him.

    There is definite interest. Nothing is cast in stone, but there's a hope.

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