John Calcagnini Quotes (4 Quotes)

    It seems to suggest they are pretty far apart on price, and they're supposed to have an answer in 48 hours, so we'll probably find out in short order whether this deal is going to happen or not. I think clearly a lot of people are wondering if it's going to fall apart.

    If they (JJ) are going to raise their bid, it would probably be by tomorrow morning. If you can wait until the 11th hour, why not wait You don't want to give Boston Scientific more time to sell their strategy.

    Patients may also get discouraged given the implantable heart defibrillator recall activity that has occurred at Guidant and to a lesser extent at Medtronic and St. Jude of late.

    JJ is a lot more diversified as a company than Boston Scientific, and they have a bigger revenue base spread over a wider area.

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