John Chafee Quotes (7 Quotes)

    Overshadowing all has been the president's reckless, tawdry behavior, coupled with misleading statements that have undermined the dignity of the presidency, and brought about a divisive and unpleasant chapter in our history,

    The momentum that we were building toward consensus on a child care bill ... has sputtered out, ... It's going to take a stronger and much more active push from the White House to get the proverbial ball rolling again.

    by increasing the cost of a pack of cigarettes much more -- closer to 1.50 per pack over 24 months. ... We need to give teen smokers a jolt to get them to kick the habit -- a significant price hike in a very short period of time.

    Caution, not exuberance, should be our fiscal motto.

    You need the House, you need the Senate and you need the administration. And absent one of them, you're not going to get a heck of a lot done.

    The world must understand that the responsibility for these military strikes lies not with the United States or its allies, but at the doorstep of Slobodan Milosevic.... Our diplomats, together with those of our British, French and German allies, have gone the extra mile to give Serbia the opportunity for peace. President Milosevic has chosen military confrontation instead.

    It's a shame. So in September, we'll be exactly where we are now, which seems to me to be a real pity.

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