John Doe Quotes (11 Quotes)

    Well, 'help' is the important word there because there were a lot of other bands back in those days doing similar stuff,

    We play music that doesn't suck. And the minute we start sucking, we'll quit.

    I think we were among the first positive examples of country music for the punk rock audience,

    We would tour the West Coast every four or five years. And every time we would finish we'd say, that was fun, we should do this more often. But until this year we never did anything about it.

    Yeah, I've always thought it had sort of a jazz improvisation aspect to it,

    I don't know of any other band that has two vocalists that can sing together without competition,

    I think the Knitters were a little more straight-up country than some of those bands, but we were all bringing roots-type sounds to a new audience.

    Restraint can be tough. I've made a point to learn how to make a slow song have as much impact as a fast song. That's a challenge I've given myself, because it's easy to just get out there and blast through a bunch of things and feel as though you're exciting the audience. If you can do that with a slow song, then you really have some variety and some range.

    When you set up to play, you made sure to give the performance of your life, ... Our first two records were done in a total of six weeks.

    It was a sense of mystery. X was scary in a different way than other punk bands,

    Prior to that, it was probably more often thought of as that old fuddy-duddy music, that corny old stuff. What we do is corny, too, but it's fun to do. And just because something is corny doesn't mean it doesn't have meaning or significance.

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