John Fox Quotes on People (7 Quotes)

    I'm impressed with the professionalism with which these men and women go about their jobs, and impressed with the three-stars (generals and admirals) and how they care about their people.

    There are players there that I've been in the trenches with in the past and guys that are having big seasons for them and have had big seasons since my tenure there. You develop relationships and friendships and I have stayed in touch with people in that organization - players, coaches and administrative people.

    We still haven't decided yet who will play where. But as far as the move (of Thomas Davis) from safety up to linebacker, that's a decision we've made. Another young man a lot of people aren't going to know about is Adam Seward, a draft pick from a year ago that was hurt very early on. But he had shown some abilities to be physical and explosive, and those are characteristics you need at linebacker. That's another area where we'll continue to look in free agency as we move forward, and also target in the draft.

    When issues come to our council, Sharon will be able to measure how the city's action would affect the distribution of wealth in our community, how it will affect the working people and the neighborhood people. We need more of that on the council.

    In most years, people say the number of first-round wide receivers will go down, but this looks to be the year it really happens. The top-end talent just isn't there this year at the position.

    In the discussions I've had with the medical people, the impression I'm getting is that it might not be in Mark's best interest. I'm not a cancer expert, but I would never do anything to jeopardize his health. I talk to Mark, but not really about him coming back.

    We think it's better. We've done it before. A lot of people like to leave a day early, but going from east to west you don't need to. We'll stay on East Coast time, conduct our meetings the same as usual. And we just like it better.

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