John Gordon Quotes (12 Quotes)

    He left the game of baseball too soon, and the world too soon.

    Make sure you smile and laugh tonight because that's what Kirby would want, and that's why we loved him.

    I think the government has enough money. The government can just be more efficient in how it manages the money.

    It causes problems not just for him and his party, but for all of government. What are kids going to think

    If you fail to secure nuclear weapons in a country that may be torn by a civil war, coup attempt or insurgency, you fail massively.

    It's certainly quite interesting wearing them through Melbourne town. We've had a really good reaction from people and I think we could make some money out of it.

    Brandon is a comedian. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on TV someday.

    I don't know what I'm going to do. It's going to be difficult. I'm emotional just talking about it right now. It's very much an honor.

    There's no job loss and no reclassification that we can see, so we're staying fairly neutral,

    When I got here four years ago, our goal was to make Meadowbrook a national program. I think that we have done that. We just look at it as another chance to prove that Meadowbrook is not only one of the best teams in the state, but one of the best teams in the region.

    There would be less possibility for special-interest groups to influence the board.

    There are significant information gaps that make it difficult for us to assess how serious the Y2K problem will be around the world.

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