John McDonnell Quotes (20 Quotes)

    We are ahead of where I thought we would be by two points. Florida State has a lot of great bullets and Texas and LSU, but we are on line to do what we are capable of doing.

    It was good to see Brian get back on the track and run a good race. Whether he gets in or not will depend on what happened around the country this weekend. Even if he doesn't make it, he is primed to help us on the distance medley relay.

    I'll tell you one thing, I think this was the best NCAA meet as far as the crowd goes. It was packed. I don't think we could get another body in here. I was really happy with the fans. They really supported us. If you can't get excited about running in this kind of atmosphere, then you are in trouble.

    The fans really supported us. If you can't get excited about running in this kind of atmosphere, there is something wrong with you.

    We had some young guys with their backs against the wall. We got a bad call that never should have happened. They were not going to let someone come in here and steal the national championship, which is what the referee tried to do. We had several guys perform above what was expected and they showed a lot of heart.

    I put too much pressure on them. I kept telling them one more thing, and before the competition started, they were basket cases. The next year we won the national championship. I just told them once what they had to do, and they got it done.

    Conference wasn't looking very good. Now this should certify some guys who haven't done a lot. They are going to say, 'Wow, it's time for me to bring my dime into the cause.

    I was proud of the way Adam ran in the mile. I think he could have gotten an even better time if the pace would've been a little faster. He is a guy that has some NCAA experience in the 3,000 and that will help us.

    I knew this would be a really tough meet. There were four teams that could score from 45 to 50 points. It was sort of like a jigsaw today. We held our ground and didn't make any mistakes. The other three teams made some mistakes. But, I don't worry about the other teams. I just worry about doing everything we can correctly. Then we let the chips fall where they will.

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    We do need to score more goals and I feel if we can score first we'll be really, really hard to beat.

    We plan to finish far higher up the table than last year.

    We got what we wanted out of the weekend. I was happy with what happened in Ames. We now have the guys in the meet to make a run at the national championship.

    It is tough, real tough (to win back-to-back SEC individual titles). You have to be a great athlete to defend your title in the SEC because it doesn't happen a lot. That is a tribute to the team that those guys came here prepared.

    In the 5,000, distance medley and triple jump, we really had people step up. We didn't make any mistakes.

    Kenya has a lot of great runners. Being a world-class runner is the thing to do over there. It's like hitting home runs or wanting to be a great baseball player. Being a great distance runner is everybody's dream there.

    Keeping that fire going is like chemistry. As the year goes on and you see your team start to gel, theres like an air or halo that tells you this team is special. Each year, that feeling keeps you going.

    It was our distances and jumps today and they put on a show. The jumpers did great and the middle distance and the distance runners really were on pace. We had a lot of guys raise their performances and that is what you have to have to win a championship.

    I was thrilled. It hadn't crossed my mind that it would happen. ... It's a great honor.

    We are a team with no names. But I have a feeling after tomorrow night we'll have a few names.

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