John Person Quotes (12 Quotes)

    The targets of 600 to 625 are more and more a reality and mostly justified as concerns on inflation, geopolitical pressures in the Middle East and now with rates at comfortable levels, central bankers are stuck in a rock and a hard place.

    The real culprit is certainly the unforeseen supply disruptions that could develop out of the Middle East, so the crude-oil markets will remain on the defensive and prices will probably stay above 60 for the remainder of the first quarter.

    European leaders are pressing Iran to step back their 'saber rattling' threats over nuclear developments. This situation was priced in the market last week -- and as traders returned back to work and focused on the current fundamental supply situation -- prices backed down off the highs.

    If this storm does start to track towards the Houston area ... we would certainly see a lengthy recovery process in the nation's refinery industry.

    This is big news. This is a good step forward for Hewlett-Packard. With her departure, the company will look forward to having new leadership ... so the market is looking at this as a positive for stocks, especially the tech sector.

    Mild weather is the culprit. Inventories are plentiful as well and imports of LNG liquefied natural gas and pipelines in the Gulf are passing through ample storage supplies.

    Inflation fears, monetary policy around the globe is changing and investors' sentiment toward owning gold has improved -- and that continues to spark demand.

    Traders are more focused on Hurricane Rita as this weather event could have a longer-term devastation on the infrastructure of our nation's oil industry's ability to provide energy to citizens.

    Concerns over inflation have not disappeared.

    If the core rate shows lower inflation than expected, it will give a hint that the Federal Reserve is close to the end of its rate hikes, and this would give equity markets a boost overall,

    Crude oil tumbled in the final minutes of trading as traders are taking an attitude that prices may not see a substantial gain based on supply disruptions from Hurricane Katrina.

    With the overhanging cloud of the Iraqi situation, renewed fears of terrorism and tensions with North Korea, this market breeds fear, and fear drives stock prices lower.

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