John Salmons Quotes (20 Quotes)

    When we went up early, I think we kind of thought that was it, that they were going to give up. You've got to take your hats off to them. They kept on fighting.

    We have to want to play. There is no excuse. ... Thankfully, Chicago keeps losing games. We are still in the playoffs so we have to stay with it and keep trying.

    It felt different this time. All the other games were emotional. This game felt like we were supposed to win. We did that and we move on.

    Potential is a bad word. It's a sad thing if you don't reach it.

    I think we're just trying to find a way to win games. It wasn't anything that Kyle was doing wrong.

    It's crunch time. We don't really have a choice. If we want to make the playoffs, that's what we have to do.

    We knew all we had to do was, if we make two shots early against the zone, they're out of it, and we could continue doing what we were doing.

    It's tough for me because you want to feel like you can play this game. If I'm in the crowd and I see somebody's not involved and not doing much, I'm going to think that guy can't play. The other team's not worrying about you. It's hard for me to function that way.

    We are still in the playoffs, so we have to stay with it and keep trying. We have 16 games left. It is always tough to score on a consistent basis. We have to stay together and get shots.

    It's frustrating because we feel like we got so much talent on the team. We're not putting it all to use, not playing up to our ability. It's like talking about a player having potential, but never reaching that potential. It's just sad if we don't reach our potential.

    I was looking in their huddle, they were laughing, joking, they knew they were going to come out with the win. There's just that confidence of been there, done that. They know how to win games. They're not worried.

    Every loss hurts more and more because we're fighting for that playoff spot. We keep saying that we can get that third spot, but we can easily slip right out of the playoffs. We're fighting for our lives.

    The second half was the total opposite of the first half. If things don't change, the same thing is going to keep happening - win a game, lose a game.

    When you lose a 30-point-a-game scorer, it's always going to be tough to score on a consistent basis. I think that's the biggest thing. We've got to stay together and try to get stops at the end instead of relying on scoring.

    They hit some tough shots and we just didn't defend for 48 minutes. It's been like that for a while. We just got to stay together and just don't give up. You just got to keep trying.

    They knew he had the hot hand and they played to it. That's what's so good about that team. They know how to share the ball.

    The first time we wrote this revision, we tried to make it very simple. That wasn't well liked so we tried to be more specific.

    If we won the division, that would be a great accomplishment for us. That would be great if we could do that.

    We were supposed to switch everything. We went small so that we could switch. I'll take the blame on this one it was on me.

    When you're up like that it's human nature just to be like, 'We've got this game. But we've got to stop doing that.

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