John Taylor Quotes on Business & Commerce (4 Quotes)

    VC firms have historically done much better than the public market. It's the nature of high-growth capital. The participation is active and the business plans are reviewed more carefully.

    If you can tap into a vein of interest that they have, then you've got a high probability of having a commercial success on your hands. And if that spills into the mass market, then you've got an overwhelming success.

    Nintendo has a very interesting opportunity, if they choose to use it, to get a larger market share of the older audience, ... Nintendo has always had the core audience of younger players. At this time during other console launches, they've had a business plan that was less attractive for third-party publishers. This time around, the model is real similar to Xbox and Sony. My sense is you're going to see more third-party support, which gives them a bigger shot at that older audience.

    It's never really too early to start contacting the venture capitalists once a business plan has been thought out and once you know when you are going to need the money, ... Don't wait until the week before you need it.

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