John Taylor Quotes on Place (6 Quotes)

    She was all over the place and swinging wildly. Mary has to be more patient when she's got someone in trouble and not get caught up in styles. We'll work on it and she'll be OK.

    Music City is Music City wherever you are in the city. The Nashville Palace gives us a place to take the young acts we develop downtown and take them to a bigger stage.

    Arakawa and Main clearly had a co-equal role in getting Nintendo to the place where it is, ... It was a combination of vision and execution. The two made an excellent team.

    There were certain great principles involved in the organization of this earth, and one was that there might be a place provided whereon the children of our Heavenly Father could live and propagate their species and have bodies formed for the spirits to inhabit who were the children of God for ... He is the God and Father of the spirits of all flesh.

    There is a piece of real estate in the household that is increasing in value - and that's the place right above or right below the TV set. It sounds to me like Microsoft sees this as strategically important enough to them that they are willing to make the investment.

    I think we ought to assume that 59.99 is going to be the place we start for game prices,

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