Johnny Griffin Quotes (10 Quotes)

    If Wildcat could not get information for the FBI, Wildcat would not be paid.

    The government in my view put its best foot forward -- and slipped and fell.

    It's been an emotional day. At least he'll get to be with his mother and brother so they can be a comfort to each other.

    We don't necessarily promote him, we promote the company and what we have to offer.

    What this proves is that the government is not prepared to try this case, plain and simple.

    I'm sure (the Hayats) are disappointed, ... They really wanted their day in court to clear their name.

    Griffin had the best of starts. Growing up in a musical family, he took up the piano at the tender age of six, and progressed through a variety of instruments, including Hawaiian steel guitar, clarinet, oboe and English horn, before eventually settling for tenor saxophone. My father played cornet and my mother played piano and sang in a church choir, ... There was always music in the house - jazz, gospel and other stuff, especially jazz.

    It's clear (in the recorded interview) his comprehension (of English) is not that great. They had clay in their hands they could mold, certain buttons they knew they could push.

    There is reasonable doubt. You can't fill in the blanks. You can't speculate.

    Much of what was said was initially said by the cooperating witness, ... It was leading questions.

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