Jordan Farmar Quotes (61 Quotes)

    Every game is a chance for us to put some distance between us and the rest of conference. We know that no one can catch us if we don't lose.

    In the first half I don't think we were being as aggressive. But in the second half, we were more aggressive and got stops on defense, so they couldn't set that up. We got a lot of stuff in transition, and that helped us a lot. It all starts with our defense and our intensity.

    We only care about winning. Winning is all that's important.

    I always knew Ryan was a great basketball player. It was just a matter of him believing in himself, and us believing in him, and that's all come together.

    The coaches kept yelling at me that big-time players make big-time plays.

    It's all of us. That's what people don't understand. They understand that we play defense, but they don't understand we play it all together. All it takes is effort and positioning and togetherness. Five guys doing it, knowing what the job is.

    I don't know how people perceive us. If they want to watch the games, fine. But I've usually found that most people will come out and watch a winning team.

    That was our goal, to keep them off-balance all game. We did a phenomenal job of that. I can't even explain how incredible this feels. Besides the guys in the locker room and our supporters, no one believed we could do it. To work our butts off and go through adversity and injuries all year long and have it pay off, it feels incredible.

    I definitely think with the way coach Howland coaches and the guys we have in the program, with their character, attitude and work ethic, we could get here again. Nothing is promised, and we were lucky a few times to get here this time, but we could do it.

    The way that we played in the first game at home is the way we should play every night. To have that to compare it to, that's what makes it hurt.

    He just brought a new focus, a new attitude. It was something I liked. I figured why not stay close to home and be close to my family and still be in the kind of program that I knew would be successful and would bring the best out of me.

    He's long with good timing. He does a good job of staying on the ground, you know, not going for shot fakes, using his length to his advantage.

    This really won't sink in for a while. We'll see this time and time again, you know, going back to all the classic tapes. Just to be part of this is something special.

    Any competitor and any person who's at this stage needs to hurt to go far to improve and get better and don't let it happen again.

    It's been very frustrating. I wish I could put on the uniform and get out there sometimes. But it teaches you a lot about patience.

    I was very close to going to Florida. But coach Howland came to my high school and told me how things were going to be, that they would be successful and he wanted me to lead the ship. I had to make a tough decision.

    We were just trying to apply extreme pressure. We were down one, we needed to force a steal and were going to foul if they got past half court.

    We've seen it time and time again, going all the way back to the classic tapes. You want to be a part of something special like this.

    We spend most of our time on defense. It started from day one. ... We're always going to be physical. We have to be because in order to beat a team, you have to rebound, and to rebound you have to be physical.

    It really is. Because we're sitting here today with these hats on and beautiful T-shirts. It doesn't matter what happened or how we won. I went 1-for-9, shot 50 percent from the free-throw line, and I couldn't be happier right now. Nobody cares about individual accolades, and that's why we're still playing. Howland has sold us on defense from Day One. He's been preaching it, and we believe in it.

    If our best bet is to get out in transition and push the ball and get easy opportunities, that's what we'll look for. If it's best for us to slow it down, execute in the half court, that's what we'll do.

    That was the toughest practice of my career. Just the intensity level and the demands put on us by Coach Howland.

    It's a great feeling. But anybody on the team should feel just as special, just as involved, because without the entire team effort, that play never is possible.

    I'd rather be tested. Regardless of what happens, we've made a lot of memories that will never go away. Winning by 20 is nice, but games like these make us that much more prepared and that much better and that much stronger.

    We got lucky a few times along the way by staying together and believing in each other.

    It makes us set our goals higher, and strive for more. None of that is going to be recognized in terms of banners in Pauley Pavilion. It helps us reach for the stars.

    We heard he was fine before the game, so we just focused on the task at hand.

    That is a lot of dollars. We care. I don't know if people understand what it is like living in Los Angeles compared with other college cities. It is expensive. Sometimes it gets tough for some players. I think if something like this, a fair stipend for everyone, was done, it would be appreciated. But players are careful when they talk about this. It's a tough call and I'm glad I'm not the one making the final one. My vote would be to do something, give something, anything.

    That was our key, just to keep 'em off balance all game. We did a phenomenal job.

    It was discouraging. A couple of those were my responsibility. That's why it hurt more and I was upset at myself. Those are the kind of things you can't give up.

    No matter what the score is, there's always a chance. Some crazy things can happen, and some crazy things happened today.

    We don't have to defend it. Whatever it takes. We have smart basketball players that distinguish good from bad, and that's why we're still playing.

    Our defense is always a total team effort. It's five guys with the same goal, really helping each other out at all times. It's not going to be any different for this game.

    We're sitting here today with these hats on, these beautiful T-shirts, all that stuff. It doesn't matter what goes on in the game.

    I think Coach wanted to establish a sense of urgency. We need to remember to take it one game at a time. We've been doing a great job of that lately. I don't think that's going to be a problem.

    We'll be fine. It was last night. That's over. Got a good night's rest. ... It wasn't that draining. It was just draining for the time being. It was an exhilarating experience. It just took a lot out of you.

    We don't care how it looks. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad as long as we're on the winning side at the end.

    It won't really sink in for a while. Just to be a part of it is something special. I don't know where we got it from, but we dug deep and got it done.

    We don't care about individual accolades. I shot 1-for-9 and made 50 of my free throws and I couldn't be happier.

    He has good timing. He does a good job of staying on the ground and not going for shots he shouldn't. He was definitely a factor.

    We've been pretty much like that all year. That's the key - make someone else beat us.

    I think our tradition really helps set the bar. Knowing that nothing but winning a national championship is accepted really helps us. We got to the Sweet 16, we got to the Final Four, but we won't be recognized unless we win that national championship. I don't think that adds pressure. I think that helps start the mission.

    He has a big body, he's strong, so it's somewhat similar to what he (Davis) does. He's been a big help.

    I was tired, exhausted. It wasn't too hard to calm down and go to sleep.

    Right after that game I said, I hope this will be a blessing in disguise and we can start something special down the stretch and I think it really did.

    It helps a lot. That's where the mission starts. Our tradition sets the bar. Knowing that nothing but winning a national championship is accepted really helps us.

    I was off tonight. It was one of those nights. It wasn't because of the ankle. ... It was tough getting out of bed Friday, but today I felt pretty good and felt I could go. I do want to get healthy, but hats off to them.

    We just do what it takes to win and we're smart. If it's in our best interest to push the ball up the floor, that's what we do. We're not worried about selling tickets. When you're winning games, people come -- no matter what the score is.

    We know where the bar is set. You don't really get recognized unless you win a national title.

    We never got going offensively but they didn't either. I know I didn't do anything special offensively, but I'm the happiest guy on the planet.

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