Jose Cortez Quotes (10 Quotes)

    I didn't see it coming. I didn't think I'd be released. I thought if I had the same problems again, then I might be in trouble. But I didn't think it would come that fast.

    I'm sure it was just frustration, ... They had scored and we score, and you got to make the PAT.

    I couldn't find the clock. And my alignment was all wrong.

    I heard a loud cheer, ... and I thought I saw the offense holding up the No. 1 sign like we were going for one. I got about three steps and heard him hollering at me.

    I think they like my kickoffs, ... That's one of the positive things about what I've been doing this year. My kickoffs have been pretty good and I've been pretty consistent.

    I thought Dallas was where I was finally going to settle down with one team and call it home. Unfortunately, it didn't go that way. Now I've got to go from here and see what happens. I don't know how long I'm going to be here.

    I didn't think I was going to get released. I thought I was going to get another week over there and if I kept having those same problems, then I was going to have a problem.

    I wasn't worried about at all, really, ... I don't worry about how far it is. I just know what I have to do and kick it straight. Once (the ball) got over the line, I knew it was straight. It feels good. It feels really good, how I started out today, to end it like this.

    If you let (the pressure) bother you, then you're in the wrong business. As a kicker, you want to come back and redeem yourself. I know my teammates were confident. They knew that I was going to come through, and I was calm. I knew I was going to hit it good.

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