Joseph Biden Quotes on People (5 Quotes)

    If he really believes that reapportionment is a questionable decision -- that is, the idea of Baker vs. Carr, one man, one vote -- then clearly, clearly, you'll find a lot of people, including me, willing to do whatever they can to keep him off the court. We don't know that. We have to hear it, ... That would include a filibuster if need be.

    It's time the president leveled with the American people, because no foreign policy can be sustained without the informed consent of the American people, ... They have not been informed of that fact.

    Ask any of the people making over 360 grand, would they forgo one year of the 10 years beginning in 2005 in order to win this I've not found anybody who's said no, ... Fox News Sunday.

    We need a strong voice in New York who knows the U.N. and who can advance our reform agenda. But we don't need a voice which people may not be inclined to listen to, ... And I fear that, knowing your reputation -- and your reputation known well at the U.N. -- people will be inclined to tune you out.

    People are going to have to make choices. How it all plays out I'm not smart enough to know, but I'm worried.

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