Joseph Zwilling Quotes (11 Quotes)

    We want to hear about anything we might have overlooked.

    I would say that what is being proposed today is what we believe is necessary to meet people's needs. Every case was looked at very carefully.

    Only after all of these considerations are complete will Cardinal Egan conduct a review of all of the recommendations, and announce the final realignment plan.

    We have asked the teachers union to delay the normal time for contracts in order to allow us to work on the process.

    His Eminence Cardinal John O'Connor has completed his earthly journey and has gone home to God.

    feeling better ... but still weak and not able to resume a regular schedule.

    There haven't been any added in the last few years because people decided it wasn't worth the upset that it caused in some communities.

    He did report back to the cardinal his impressions and findings based on his time there. We have studied what he had to say very carefully. We are continuing to closely look at the situation.

    We are pushing very hard to move this forward, ... The cardinal has made it abundantly clear that this is priority No. 1.

    We will work with the school community, with parents, to make the transition as smooth as possible. We believe in this process.

    The tradition of the Smith dinner is to bring people together.

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