Julie Mattson Quotes (9 Quotes)

    I thought their pressure did get to us. We weren't expecting it and we were kind of deer-in-the-headlights, not knowing what to do.

    It was a very physical game and I felt we were a bit sluggish after Tuesday night's game (a four-point loss to league-leading Hoquiam). I felt like we were a step behind.

    I'm definitely proud of how the girls came out and played with intensity and heart. This after a 27-point defeat the last time we played them. I knew we could compete, but they had to come out and play with intensity. They showed that they could play with the top team in the league.

    Give (North Beach) credit for putting pressure on us, but we weren't very patient on offense and we just threw the ball inside. That's been a problem all year for us. We're not showing a lot of patience on offense. We're not working as a team right now.

    It came down to our seniors. They gave us the leadership and intensity.

    I thought the kids played with confidence. They played together and they played like they knew we could win.

    They came out and pressured us in the full-court. I felt we panicked. We'd been handling pressure well, but we didn't do a good job of it last night.

    He doesn't allow one second of down time ... we're either yelling, or chanting, or playing, or screaming - it's all about focus. We train for music and marching but we also practice spirit.

    We had decent looks and we were getting fouls. The thing was, we just didn't convert.

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