Justin Gray Quotes (36 Quotes)

    It's a new position for me, but as long as I'm getting better every game. I'm more focused on not scoring, but not turning the ball over. I'm trying to make smart plays.

    We want to win. If we were going to win we had to make our free throws.

    I want to win so bad. Sometimes it ends up with me trying to force shots and trying to make something happen for us as a team. I feel like if I won't do it, nobody else will.

    I think (the fans) are going to talk about it all the time just because they know probably what we could've done with the team from last year. But that's last year.

    We have an opportunity to play one game, and the only way we're gonna get another game is if we win. I think everybody in this locker room realized that.

    We just want to go out and leave everything on the court. We lose, we're going home for good.

    That's the thing with college basketball. When confidence comes, you play better.

    We were right there. It's kind of hard to explain. We fought back and were right there in position. You've just got to make a play right there.

    I'm going to give you the ball, and you give it back to me in good shape when the game is over.

    I would have rather had eight points and a win than whatever I had tonight and to lose. We showed some good signs in coming back as we did. But we're not going to win too many games falling behind by 16 or 17 points like we did.

    If we're going to win games, we're going to have to make stops. We couldn't get stops.

    Every game we go into, we feel like we're the favorite. Even though Florida State is a good team, you've got to have that confidence in yourself and your teammates.

    People always remember the last thing you do. This won't be the last game for us, but we can make it something memorable.

    I would most definitely come back and play again. It's a blessing and an opportunity just to have the chance to try out. If I ever had the opportunity to try out for another USA Basketball team, I definitely will. Win or lose, you can always make it into a positive experience. It's what you make it. Even though we had that loss, we bounced back to get the final two wins. Everybody stepped up and played well in our final two games. I'm proud of everybody and I'm just thankful for the opportunity.

    All those turnovers in the first half set the tone. We were lazy with the ball and you've got to take care of the ball to win down the stretch.

    I thought I had some good looks, especially in the first half. Then down the stretch I had some shots that might not look good but if I'm in rhythm I feel like I can knock the shot down.

    Man, they made some tough shots. The three-pointers can impact the game. Especially when you give them up in a row.

    That's been a problem for us. At times we look good in a defense, then boom, the second shots, that's the killer.

    I've been waiting for this the PG job for three years.

    A wise man told me that the last thing you do is what people are going to remember.

    That's what people do, make excuses. Nobody in our locker room is making excuses at all. We're like, 'Yeah, obviously he's not here.' It's on us. It's on us to make a play.

    We thought all along that Jones was the x-factor for them. Every team has a guy like that. He was the guy who got them going in the game.

    When I'm at home watching basketball, that's one of the teams I like to watch. Their style of play is the true way to play basketball.

    There's no hard feelings. I know I've done dumb things, too, in my time, plays that hurt the team. It's a contact sport, it's not tennis. You're going to get touched.

    If we're going to go, we're going to go down swinging -- leaving everything out there on the court.

    Threes can impact a game, especially when you're giving them up in a row. The crowd really wasn't in the game in the first half, but that surge got the crowd into the game, and I think it gave them a little bit of energy.

    We got them to miss some shots and we got a couple of steals. If we had started the game like that, we wouldn't have gotten down by 17. It's hard to come back from 17 against anybody, but especially at Maryland.

    That's a confidence play right there. I think a couple of games ago, he wouldn't even probably have tried to attack the ball. He probably would've stopped at the top and held it.

    Leadership is what it's all about. It's got to come from somewhere.

    A wise man told me, the last thing you do is what people remember. That's exactly what we're trying to do here.

    He did exactly what Coach wanted him to do. He ran the team, made good decisions, went through his progressions and found the right guy at the right time.

    We've just got to make sure we don't get used to losing.

    Throughout the season, it was tough for us. There were times we'd play really good, and then bang, all of a sudden it shut off. But it's a new season for us right here. We're taking it one game at a time, one TV timeout at a time. We're just trying to win each possession.

    That's a huge point in the game right there. They got some momentum, knocked down a couple of shots. We trust everybody on this team to come in and be ready to play, and in those two minutes they got the best of us.

    It's just an emotional game. There's no hard feelings. I know I've done dumb things, too, in my time, things that hurt the team. You get frustrated. It's just part of the game.

    If we're gonna lose, we're gonna go down swinging and leave everything out there on the court. Some games it's gonna come down to the ball bouncing your way, but we try not to let it happen that way.

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