Kari Williams Quotes (10 Quotes)

    That's always been my policy. Freshmen play freshman basketball. Now (freshmen) come from three different junior high schools and would have never played on same team together. It's important for them to learn to win.

    It was fun to get to coach (my seniors) again. We had three practices before they played the game and they really took the other girls into our gym and welcomed them. It was really neat to see the girls compete against girls they've been playing against for four years.

    She's on the court for her defense. When you're not making shots, it's hard to shoot. But she's a determined player.

    She played her typical game, just really good aggressive defense, outstanding on the boards, diving after loose balls.

    It was a good finish for us. We didn't have trouble with the press and still did a lot of scoring after that.

    We were a really good basketball team tonight. We passed the ball so nicely. Notre Dame plays great defense and we just kept making that extra pass and setting good screens. It was a fun game for us.

    We've been playing seven or eight great holes and one total blow-up hole kind of kills your ability to score well. I think that's been kind of the thing hurting us all season.

    They were all soaked from head to toe from how much it rained.

    I think the first half was incredible. We didn't even score as much as we could have. We passed around to find the open man. Team-wise, we looked great.

    Golf is played against the course. What someone else is doing does not have any bearing on your game. In golf, if the conditions are tough, everyone is dealing with them.

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