Keith Cieplicki Quotes (11 Quotes)

    In high school they play as hard as they can, but I think they're starting to realize that that's not nearly hard enough. I think a lot of it is going to be adjusting to this level of play. They're in big-time women's basketball and they're learning physically.

    She's not afraid to open her mouth or even tease the coaches. We like that. We want some kids with some personality, and she's really good for the other players. They see that and it gives them confidence. We brought Keri here for what we thought she could bring to the program, and she's doing a great job. She has a history of winning, and that's important.

    In all my years, I have never been so significantly (affected) by injuries as this team has this year. Not even close. They say, 'If you're in it long enough everything happens to you.' It's just been a little unfortunate because I definitely think we would be in pretty good shape right now if we had everybody here.

    The only frustrating thing is that we haven't had all the pieces in place. The group that's healthy has gotten a lot better. They have great team chemistry, so really, and it's even hard for me to believe, that I've really enjoyed coaching this team. None of us like losing, but it's a pretty mature group. I hope for their sake we get a few more wins.

    In this profession I think its really helpful. I think you just have to focus on getting better. Were trying to just have some tangible goals and things that individually and as a team we can do better. As long as were working toward those things, our players have been pretty good to not get caught up in the wins and losses.

    I thought we were physical in the first half, fought for balls.

    It raises the level of competition. If you don't work hard or get to the ball fast, the guys are going to make you pay.

    They have to make themselves and each other accountable for the team's success. I think they are making good progress there, but it's a lot for young people to take on.

    Our ability to score (hurts), if Ashley comes in and knocks down one or two, or Lina too. We just need more options, the more options you have, the better your chances are.

    I think defensively our improvement has been dramatic. It's so difficult to teach young players to defend with any discipline because in high school they are more athletic then everyone else. That's a huge step for us.

    It was a good adjustment to put Strother in there. They stepped it up and put the pressure on.The question was to weather it. They made it real difficult for us. We played them close for a while.

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