Keith Robinson Quotes (13 Quotes)

    Some of the controls that were put on the business two or three years ago are catching up with companies and they're competing to hire people from a smaller talent pool. Our clients are increasingly looking to recruit from Eastern Europe, South Africa and Australia because they can't find enough home-grown talent that they can afford.

    Recruitment is a serious business and the speed interview is not a substitute for a formal, in-depth interview. It's simply a way of helping candidates decide which companies they'd like to concentrate their time and efforts on.

    We don't even have time for proper dinner dates any more, so it's not surprising that people are looking to apply the same hard and fast rules elsewhere,

    We gave everybody free vouchers to return. Some of them thought it was fun and adventurous.

    I am a firm believer that historical preservation is a soul mate to the growth and progress that the Flathead Valley is currently experiencing. But I can no longer expend my time and effort towards historical preservation goals for which minimal support has been rendered.

    Hard-core fans want to relive the exact experience, ... They want true emulation. They want to see us make new versions of the original controllers, which we can't do. But that's the appeal of the DS.

    I don't think that will bother him at all, ... He's played AAU ball. He hasn't missed a stroke. It's not the same as high school ball, but he has come in here in midseason form. He looks really good. He's a '3' in high school, but I think he could play the '2' in college.

    All these people are out here today doing something that happened a long ways from them. It is really a nice thing. We're very thankful.

    They're the best team on the Coast. Gulfport has a good team and is solid in every phase. We'll keep improving.

    It took less than 30 minutes to put the cable back on, but, by state law, we have to evacuate it first. It's pretty quick, but you can't do that with guests hanging in the air.

    SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) -- Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams has adopted his own stretch of Highway 101 near Candlestick Point south of San Francisco. His responsibilities now include cleaning up the trash that litters his part of the highway. But Williams won't be spearing old cans and yukking it up for motorists, instead hiring a contractor to do the dirty work. Authorities say they probably wouldn't let Williams bag the trash anyway. It would just cause havoc on the highway, ... Good Will Hunting.

    Were hopeful we can get a lot of stuff done in a little bit of time. Were going to get rid of all the bad stuff and make it better.

    It's been done at probably every ski resort or amusement park that's got a chairlift. Kids sometimes get bounced in their chairs and are able to start the cable whipping and it'll whip itself off the towers.

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