Kelly Curry Quotes (7 Quotes)

    I would recommend people think long and hard before they do it, but it works great for us. You have to make sure you are able to compartmentalize things and separate your personal life from your professional life.

    She is such an exciting player offensively and defensively. The thing we were unsure about, the thing that's been such a surprise, is her defense.

    There's only so much you can do. She's taking some supplements to try to gain some weight, but I think her body type is what it is.

    Her ability to guard the basketball and put pressure on defensively has made other teams adjust. Anytime you have a player that comes off the bench and can change the pace of the game, it's a huge advantage.

    She's going to go in the game and something is going to happen. At times, it's not something we want to happen.

    But she's come in and changed games defensively. It's her ability to put pressure on people. She's come such a long way since the beginning of the year.

    I think any time as a coach you're always happy to see individuals get honors because you see the work that they put into it. You're very happy for them and for the recognition it brings to them and your program.

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