Kelly McCann Quotes on People (5 Quotes)

    People in this city are starting to realize that HIV is everyone's disease.

    The generation that is coming up has lived its entire life in the shadow of HIV, and that's frankly one of the concerns that we have. Because of a certain comfort level that this generation has with HIV, in part because of the advances in treatment and those young people being able to see that they can live with HIV, there is an increased complacency among young people.

    people who are loitering in an area, evaluating the consistency or presence of security measures ... using note taking devices at visual events or a tape recorder at a visual event ... walking in a manner consistent with measuring or pacing.

    We target some of the people within the gay community who are indeed leaders, and then we train those individuals how to deliver prevention messages to other members of the gay community in bars and other social settings where men congregate.

    The average person doesn't know that they can call the FBI regional office ... you can call any of the law enforcement offices out there to protect people.

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