Ken Conboy Quotes (6 Quotes)

    If the past is any precedent, they have planned safe houses and lying low, letting the first dragnet pass over head.

    It was envisioned as a second wave after 911, and he (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) wanted to use Southeast Asians because he thought they could get into the U.S. and hijack the planes more so than Arabs because the U.S. would be more on alert to Arabs after 911.

    Unfortunately, the most aggressive and arguably most dangerous guys are still on the loose. They still present a significant danger.

    When will the authorities be able to reveal the barbaric perpetrators in the province There is no happy new year in our republic this time around.

    If he gets off, it will be a huge moral victory ... not just for him, but for all the other groups pushing a hard-line agenda. The ripple effect will be tremendous.

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