Ken Warren Quotes (9 Quotes)

    We've been thinking about buying one for a while. But we're big Seattle fans, so the time was right to do it now.

    African-American voters will make a difference.

    The best advertisers are brought in to create this image of Kerry as a super guy and a great decision-maker who can become an excellent president, ... You've got to do all these things perfectly.

    The Democratic convention on the whole was very well packaged to sell a product. But in this day and age -- with all of the pollsters, researchers and media professionals -- they know how to present a candidate.

    Bush connects more with Missourians because this is in the Bible Belt, so moral values mean more to Missourians than they do to most Americans. That has allowed Bush to be disproportionately popular compared to other politicians who haven't worn religion on their sleeves.

    Farmers in other parts of the world should learn from American agriculture's mistakes. Looking to nature is a better model for farming.

    I don't think the average person is seeing the economy in such great shape. They are seeing it in terms of what they pay for gas, they're seeing it in terms of what they pay for health care. Bush can talk about an upturn. There are indicators that show there is an upturn. But these aren't things that people deal with every day.

    This is part of a strategy to put major people on first to get the nominee off to a big bang. The presenting of presidents, in particular, is a show of force ... It's also sort of a gamble, but they are all going to reinforce Kerry's qualifications and character.

    When you lose an election, in effect, by 537 votes, you go after everything that could make or break a campaign. It makes targeting difficult, but you figure that you better do it.

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