Kenneth Sheinberg Quotes (8 Quotes)

    It's kind of a normal rotation. Some of these beaten-up groups are getting some sponsorship.

    The market is jittery and it's gonna keep heading lower for a while. Earnings news is doing nothing to help. Who cares if a company beat estimates by a penny when the profits are so far down from the year before and the estimates were already lowered three times

    People weren't expecting good news from Sun, so it's not a surprise, but there's been some enthusiastic tech news recently and you need a string to keep that going. Sun didn't provide that, and in fact they countered that, so people are backing off a little bit.

    Now people are trying to find other places to put their money. It's just more of the continuing rotation that's gone on for a while.

    There's a total lack of conviction. There's no news coming out, earnings are done and most of the players are in a wait-and-see mode.

    Biotech is weak and biotech has been one of the main reasons that led the Nasdaq to 5,000.

    There's really no conviction. The market is churning. That's all it's doing is churning.

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