Kenneth Turan Quotes on Movies (12 Quotes)

    It's a tradition to save the good films for the fall and the holiday season, ... Never Coming To A Theater Near You.

    This really has a very good feeling about it. It really seems like it's going to be an involving film, really, about the nature of writing, the nature of observation, the nature of non-fiction.

    It's not a new thing, ... One of the biggest successes ever in film, 'Gone With the Wind,' came from a very big best-selling book.

    I think this film makes news casting really exciting. It's a film that really holds you because it's an enormous dramatic conflict.

    It feels adventurous a little bit for a Hollywood film, even in this day and age. Given that it won in Venice, and the pedigree of everyone involved, that it could be quite good.

    It's really a remarkable film. You really feel the pain, the agony, the unintentional humor. It's the kind of young, independent film making we should be seeing more of.

    People who make films are always looking for a hook. They're always looking for something that will attract an audience's attention, that will make a person say, 'I want to see that film,' and a book is a proven commodity.

    So, I think if you don't care about the new 'King Kong,' you're not a movie fan.

    With no plot, character or dialogue worth experiencing, let alone remembering, the film merely occupies space on the screen and hopes for the best,

    There is stuff at which your jaw just drops, and yet they were hugely popular, ... It's an interesting corner of film history.

    The 'Harry Potter' films are as close to a sure thing as there really exists in Hollywood now. There is a built-in audience for these films.

    A treasure beyond price for fans of both the classic Hammett novel and the three (that's right, three) film versions of the doomed quest for a black bird. An incredible amalgam of photos, memos, letters, reviews, whatever, this will make fans of the book or the film gasp as one unexpected delight succeeds another. With this book, wonders really do never cease.

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