Kenny Scott Quotes (6 Quotes)

    It's definitely different, this one hurts a lot worse.

    He's trying to get everybody to give him a shot, ... but it takes time to get people to trust you with their hair.

    My officers will be under strict orders to arrest any person who would seek to compromise public safety or who engages in acts of disorder aimed at affecting the response of the emergency services.

    We had the opportunity to buy some used beams last fall, right around the time that we took the bridge out. They didn't cost us very much at all, maybe a couple of hundred dollars each.

    It's one of the toughest in the nation, ... First, just look in the ACC. Then we have non-conference games against Auburn and Georgia, too. But if we were not expecting to win every game, something would be wrong with that. We're not going to lower our standards.

    The City of Alberni used to have their water intake on Roger Creek.

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