Kerry Collins Quotes on Time (4 Quotes)

    We feel like we have a chance to be a good offense. I think we've showed some of that in the preseason. But we'll find out Thursday night. I'm excited about it. It's a big challenge for us, and I think guys are ready to go. But at the same time, we know it's a big task, and we've got to approach it like we're going into the most hostile environment imaginable, and we'll have to handle it that way.

    I still want to stay aggressive. I want to try to get everything I can, but at the same time, if the situation warrants that I throw it in there, I'm fine. But if not, I want to be safe with the ball.

    What bugged me is that they decided that someone would be better at the position than me. I didn't feel that way at the time. ... I made my feelings known then. Shoot, I went through a lot with that organization. I felt like I was still the best guy for the job.

    Obviously, this game holds special meaning for me. I had five good years there and I'm very appreciative of everything that they did for me when I was there. At the same time, obviously, it was tough the way it ended and there's certainly a little bit more emotion involved in this game for me than any other game.

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