Kevin Spencer Quotes (14 Quotes)

    I told (Warren) those were terms of endearment, that they were testing him to see how he'd handle it. Plus, obviously they've accepted him because he's good at what he does.

    Not in my mind. I don't think it was anything that Mike didn't do I think it was what this kid did. I know Mike won't agree with it, but Greg's better. He's younger, a little more athletic, snaps the ball a tad bit quicker. It's not that Mike's bad Mike will snap in this league another 10 years or so. I just think this guy's better.

    I'm sure they look at us and they know Chris Gardocki might have the fastest release of any punter in the NFL and maybe the vulnerability in their mind might be the rookie snapper. If he proves himself it'll go away. And, of course, if you bleed a little bit, they're going to find out about it.

    It's a great way to do therapy without knowing it. When you teach something to these kids that a normal developed person can't do, it has a tremendous boot to their self-esteem.

    All due respect to Mike Schneck, I don't think we're going to miss a beat.

    (Running back) Willie (Parker) is a guy we want to look at. (Wide receiver) Cedrick (Wilson), that was something he did really well with the 49ers, but we gotta wait and see how that deal straightens out.

    Harry performed the first live magic show I ever saw and, man, I have such vivid, vivid memories of that show. It was incredible, and I'd never seen anything on that scale until I saw that performance. Seeing that show really solidified that this was what I wanted to do. I didn't run out and start putting on huge shows, but what I learned from him is that you grow into who you are.

    I'm not unhappy, let's put it that way. We got No. 29 (Iwuoma) back and Sean did a good job. We've got a good group.

    If that happens in the fourth quarter, it's nice but you're not beaming. But I looked out there and all the numbers are the kids I remember from last season, so that was good.

    There are times when we have people on standby or other weather-related things where they have to stay in. There are a few chairs in the engine bay, but that's really all they have for space.

    He had a street smartness and a toughness about him. He was also a very good wrestler. Just a tough, dependable son of a gun.

    We are also very audience interactive. We want the audience to experience our performance, not just watch it.

    They figure out several different ways to make that happen magically. Once we decide which method we'd like to go with, it's drawn, built, delivered.

    He really is a godsend. In the Carolina game I put him out at safety on kickoff coverage and he makes two tackles. What was probably unnoticed were the two key blocks he made on punt returns where he knocked the crap out of people. He really does a good job. He's a special kid he really is.

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