Kim Parker Quotes (8 Quotes)

    It's not really my personality to go out there and yell instructions and that kind of thing, ... But it's grown on me.

    You have to look at what is best for your kids, ... Charter schools give you a choice over being stuck sending them to the public school down the street.

    In school or in anything I do, I just feel like I have to do it well, ... I've always worked hard in class, and my goal is to get a 4.0 this semester. It's going to be tough because I have organic chemistry.

    Our defense still should be extremely solid, ... We've got a lot of experience, and they know what they're doing.

    I was expecting to sit out a year, ... It definitely was harder to come in and get thrown into the mix like that. It definitely showed the first couple of games.

    We are charged with doing a full investigation, and we look at the whole picture before determining if a crime did in fact exist.

    When people look at the shutouts and the low number of goals allowed, they say 'the keeper is amazing,' ... It's really the defense and midfielders keeping the ball away from me. When you don't have to do anything, you look good.

    We do not believe our office was engaged in any sharp conduct here.

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