Kofi Annan Quotes on Children (11 Quotes)

    Every dollar, euro, or yen committed today will save lives, ... Every helicopter provided will rescue the injured, among them hundreds of children. Every shelter erected will save a family from the ravages of winter.

    We need to think of the future and the planet we are going to leave to our children and their children.

    Millions of children and adults are becoming infected, falling ill and dying without the barest essentials in medical treatment, counseling or social support,

    Millions of children and young people are already affected by the pandemic - including those infected through the most heart-reading from of transmission, mother to child,

    Hard as it will be, we must find ways of structuring that co-existence, or we will never be able to stop viruses migrating from animals to us -- and to our children,

    Again and again, we see fundamental laws shamelessly disregarded -- those that ordain respect for innocent life, for civilians, for the vulnerable -- especially children.

    Quite apart from his role as a spiritual guide to more than a billion men, women and children, he was a tireless advocate of peace, a true pioneer in interfaith dialogue and a strong force for critical self-evaluation by the Church itself,

    Nearly 25 years into the pandemic, help is reaching less than 10 percent of the children affected by HIVAIDS, leaving too many children to grow up alone, grow up too fast or not grow up at all,

    I came here to show support for all the millions of people in the world who stand to benefit if the Millennium Development Goals are reached, especially the children who will be saved from malaria or Aids, who will grow up healthy, go to school and have the chance to earn their living and enjoy life.

    I had the chance to talk to mothers and their children, ... I was very happy to visit this centre, the work is very valuable and they deserve to be given support.

    AIDS has become a major development crisis. It kills millions of adults in their prime, ... It fractures and impoverishes families, weakens workforces, turns millions of children into orphans, and threatens the social and economic fabric of communities and the political stability of nations.

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