Kofi Annan Quotes on Politics (12 Quotes)

    We have the means and the capacity to deal with our problems, if only we can find the political will.

    to exercise the vision and the political will needed to come to an agreement in the next few days.

    We have reached a fork in the road, ... If you, the political leaders of the world's nations, cannot reach agreement on the way forward, history will take the decisions for you, and the interests of your peoples may go by default.

    At this stage, I would not be able to define whether it is going to be military, police or just political, but we will have a competent U.N. presence which we will build up as we move towards the day of the ballot,

    a simple matter of political convenience.

    I think the two countries, I hope, will maintain their contacts, and they have a whole series of contests -- commercial, financial, political, and all this,

    I have come to your country to witness the people's efforts to bring about profound political, economic and social transformation ... I promise you the complete support of the United Nations in these efforts,

    There is now a real chance that before the third of May, Cyprus will be reunited, ... We have not solved the problem but I really believe after 40 years, a political agreement has been reached.

    Elections alone will not be sufficient for the establishment of lasting peace in Afghanistan, ... Security, effective institutions and development will require time and concerted effort to build upon the political achievement of the past three- and-a-half years.

    Above all else, we need a reaffirmation of political commitment at the highest levels to reducing the dangers that arise both from existing nuclear weapons and from further proliferation.

    Ultimately, those who want to be part of the political process should not engage in armed group or militia activities, for there is a fundamental contradiction between such activities and the building of a democratic state.

    AIDS has become a major development crisis. It kills millions of adults in their prime, ... It fractures and impoverishes families, weakens workforces, turns millions of children into orphans, and threatens the social and economic fabric of communities and the political stability of nations.

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