Kyle McSlarrow Quotes (16 Quotes)

    Dan Quayle is completely committed to this campaign, and we understand that the real test will occur early next year when voters cast their ballots in the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary,

    Any government mandates, and certainly for any one of those options (suggested by Martin), in our view is very clearly under Supreme Court precedent a violation of the First Amendment.

    Over the last 25 years, the American free enterprise system created the most diverse video programming on earth with the best value for the customer. It is disappointing that the updated report relies on assumptions that are not in line with the reality of the marketplace.

    Such a massive government intrusion into how a broadband service like video is marketed, offered and priced would undoubtedly chill the needed innovation and investment necessary to build out capital intensive networks that rely on the marketplace to determine the most economically effective way to provide a return on investment.

    No false claim by the Bells is going to go unchallenged. And second, no false and negative ad campaign is going to go without a response.

    It's not a problem. I don't know how many ways to say it. If you're going to write down the rules and make them mandatory, you're going to hand over a lot of wealth creation to lawyers...We should be very careful before stepping into this space--we should not panic.

    The notion that the government knows better how to improve on a competitive marketplace is not supported by the evidence.

    It is critical for all providers of video services to be treated on a level playing field. The government should not pick winners and losers in the broadband industry by establishing a different set of rules that favor one provider over another.

    If what we understand is being considered, this is a huge step . . . in the wrong direction. Essentially, you have the government picking winners and losers by giving the Bell monopolies a special break.

    In the last decade, the Bell monopolies have all but wiped out their telephone competitors they have swallowed their long-distance competitors and with the announcement of the ATT-BellSouth merger, they are on the verge of re-creating Ma Bell. And only on

    There's a mismatch between what we do and what people think on the Hill. If anything, this industry has been too modest. We ought to be shouting from the rooftops.

    Government-mandated multi-casting requirements ... would constitute a 'taking' of cable operators' private property, which, in the absence of 'just compensation,' is prohibited by the Fifth Amendment.

    The government must avoid picking winners and losers by imposing regulation based on the particular mix of technology a video provider deploys.

    A correct analysis concludes that mandated a la carte would be more expensive for consumers and result in less choice and shrinking diversity in cable programming.

    We continue to believe that the better course is for the government to resist injecting itself into a thriving, dynamic market where investment and innovation are flourishing.

    The hands-off policy has given us the flexibility to innovate and respond to consumer demand.

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