Lamar Butler Quotes (56 Quotes)

    This is going to piggy-back the little guys. This is history. Whenever they mention the Final Four, they have to mention us.

    We watched them say those comments. It hurt.

    Just to walk in, I kept thinking about Peyton Manning throwing all those touchdowns.

    We watched that (selection show) and it kind of hurt us to our heart. We felt we deserved to be in the NCAA tournament.

    We never saw ourselves as the underdog. That's the thing everybody got wrong we saw everybody we beat as being in trouble once they faced us.

    When that final buzzer went off, that was just pure joy, indescribable joy. It just overwhelmed me. I looked at my father, he was smiling, crying. My mother, they were all crying. It was like a dream come true. I used to dream about that when I was a little kid, in front of my hometown, home fans, my family, it's indescribable.

    We watched those comments. That kind of hurt us in our hearts. We thought we deserved to be in.

    As soon as I walked in, people were clapping. It was like, 'Wow, they really do watch us' My com professor had a joke 'Anything big happen this weekend' Like nothing happened, trying to get a response. I just smiled. I knew he watched the games.

    We knew they were a young team and all season they've had a problem with turnovers. We wanted to force those freshmen to make some decisions. That's what we did and that's what got our juices flowing.

    Coach does a great job of keeping us loose, and we just rally around that. We're just having a lot of fun. We play baseball in practice, he sings, he dances ...

    We have fun with it. The team loves it. It's a way to get away from basketball. It's what we do as a team to get closer.

    It was probably the worst dance move I've ever seen in my life. Coach has no rhythm. We laugh every time.

    A regular season title is a first for all of us. It feels good to win a regular season championship, but that's not it. We are looking forward to the tournament.

    This is history. Every time you mention the NCAA tournament from now on, you have to mention our run. But we're not finished yet.

    I think I was joking when I said that. For it to come true, it shows you never to stop dreaming, no matter how old you are. This shows you anything can happen.

    This team is probably the loosest I've played on. Coach does a great job of keeping us loose. We play baseball at practice. He dances, claps, sings, and we all rally around that. There was no tension around the team.

    For us to get into the Final Four, people having something to cheer for. We're the Dallas Cowboys America's team of the 2006 era. We definitely feel that.

    I e-mailed my teacher. I said 'Man, I can't focus, to be honest with you. I've been playing basketball, it's NCAA time, we're in the Final Four, can I get an extension' He hasn't replied yet. I'm going to check my e-mail when I get back to my room.

    This was history. We're living it. When you talk about the Final Four, you have to talk about us making the Final Four. We changed the face of college basketball. Unfortunately, it had to come to an end.

    Probably the two biggest wins in Mason history. I'm just glad to be a part of it. Nobody expected us to win those two games but the guys in this locker room.

    This is history we're living in. When you look up at the Final Four, we'll be part of it. Unfortunately it had to come to an end, but we're part of history.

    We pride ourselves on our defense that comes first. We knew they were a young team and have had problems with turnovers. We wanted to force them into making some decisions.

    I can't wait, man, I can't wait. I don't think they know what's coming.

    The students were just happy, excited, clapping. It was a fun greeting.

    We're happy to be here, no doubt. At the same time, this is a business trip. We didn't come here to visit and take pictures. We came here to play Florida and win.

    He has just changed my outlook and my attitude on life. He changed me as a person. I have grown up so much since I have been here.

    It's Coach. He plays baseball during practice, he dances, sings and claps. He keeps us loose.

    Everybody said we weren't supposed to be here, and now we're in the Elite Eight. I'm just enjoying the rush from my head down to my feet.

    I looked up in the stands and saw my mother and father crying. I can't describe what it really felt like. It was just pure joy. This is something I've been dreaming of all of my life.

    He crossed his legs. He folded his arms. He was just talking like it was a normal conversation.

    I hope they come out and cheer us on. Nobody even expected us to get in the Final Four. For us to get in, people have something to cheer for. Were the Dallas Cowboys of 2006.

    I think I was joking when I said that. I started dreaming when I got to college. It shows you anything can happen.

    We're playing with so much confidence right now, it really doesn't matter who we play. Coach will have us ready to play.

    When they talk about the Final Four in the future, they'll have to mention us. We're a part of history. We changed the face of college basketball. It was an amazing run. Unfortunately, it had to come to an end.

    This is history, we're living it now. We changed the face of college basketball. It was an amazing run.

    He's a freak of nature. I have never seen anybody that big and that mobile. His hands and feet are so quick for his size. ... Jai is a finesse big man. He can bully at the same time, but he's a finesse player.

    Never stop dreaming. We didn't. I looked up and saw my mother crying. My father was crying. This is pure joy.

    I've got two. I'm going to keep it in my pocket wherever I go, for luck, and I'm going to frame the other one and keep it on my wall.

    I've played football in a gym but I've never played basketball in a football stadium.

    He doesn't need a microphone. He uses it and it's an instant headache. After a while your head gets adjusted to that thing but it's ridiculous.

    This is history we're living in right now. Unfortunately, it had to come to an end.

    I've never even been inside of a dome. I've played football in a basketball gym, but never basketball inside a football arena.

    Coach puts a lot on his shoulders. He says 'make sure Jai gets the ball.' Down the stretch, he knows he's getting the ball so he has to produce.

    Off the court, he's goofy. But on the court, his demeanor doesn't change if he's down 30 or up 30.

    It's indescribable. It's like a dream come true.

    People say they feel like they go to a real university now.

    It was just an awesome feeling. I just looked at my father. He was smiling ear to ear. My brother, my mother . . . it was just an awesome feeling.

    They play so well together. It's like they know each other like the back of their hand. It helps us on the court. They just shut down the other team's big men. They've been doing it all season long.

    The whole world kind of went mute for me. I didn't hear anything, didn't see anything, didn't notice anything. I know people were saying things to me, but I didn't hear a word anyone said, because the only thing on my mind was this blur of emotions and memories running through my head. I was thinking about where the road started for me and some of the guys. Man, we've been through a lot, and now it's all over.

    I think it's a Hollywood story already. If anybody wants to make a movie, come see me. I'll play my part. I'm a good actor. I can make a serious face.

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